This Is My Momoir

It’s Our Birthday!

Written By: Jen Vega

Published On: 04/10/2023

It’s our birthday! Introducing my new blog… This is My Momoir.

I have been planning on sharing the news about this exciting project that I’ve been working on for the past three months on my birthday, because, well… it feels like a rebirth of myself. This project began after my wonderful husband gave me a new computer for Christmas, along with some books on writing and the sweetest note about how it was time for me to start believing in myself and start writing professionally. I went to school to become a writer but had such a fear of letting people read my words that I was just never able to follow through on it. I worked in sales jobs after graduating, which was fun but never my passion. Once I had my daughters, staying home with them felt like such a gift, and I put my ideas about what my career would be once they started school on the back burner.

Fast forward to five years later, and my oldest is about to start Kindergarten in the Fall and my youngest will be starting Preschool (How?!). Besides them growing up entirely too fast, I have been doing some growing of my own over these past few years. I tell my husband that his love and support are the sunshine and water that have allowed me to grow since the day we met. His steadfast belief in me has truly changed me down to my soul. The way he sees the world and all of the possibilities in life was something new to me when we met. Since then, I’ve watched him build a successful business piece by piece, and it truly inspired me that dreams really can come true. His belief in me and encouragement to start writing led me to start contemplating where I wanted this journey to take me.

One of the books he gave me for Christmas was Stephen King’s On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. I had honestly never even read a book by Stephen King, so I was surprised by his choice, but it turned out to be one of my favorite books I have ever read. I had forgotten the passion that goes into writing because I hadn’t even attempted it in years. I loved the way Stephen King shared his writing and editing process. It was just the refresher I needed from my college days of being an English major. I felt a spark light inside of me as I realized that I have things I’d like to share with the world. I just wasn’t sure exactly what they were yet. I started toying with the idea of writing a novel, or a children’s book, but I just didn’t have any incredible creative ideas that I felt passionate about.

One night, I woke up at 3:00 in the morning with an idea. A momoir. My memoir, as a mom, of all of the things I have learned on this journey of motherhood. I realized that all of the things I was excited to write about were related to the lessons I have learned about what is important in life and how to make every day feel a little bit magical. The time I spent home raising my girls allowed me to grow up alongside them and really figure out what made me feel happy and complete. I got into great routines for myself and with my girls that made every day feel special. I got back to taking great care of myself and my family physically, mentally, and spiritually. I realized how much I love to cook and bake and how important that is for family life. I absolutely loved planning parties and hosting holidays as a creative outlet during this time. I had friends tell me how great I was at researching travel destinations and that I should share some itineraries I had planned.

And there it was born: I would write my momoir, a parenting/lifestyle blog about all of the things I am passionate about. Mom Life. Health & Wellness. Recipes & Meal Planning. Celebrate! Travel. It came together so effortlessly because I had taken time over the past five years to do so much work to really uncover what mattered to me in my life. I realized that I could possibly help people by sharing what I had learned.

I hope this blog can be a way to connect with other women and build a community of support and encouragement to provide a more user-friendly experience for new moms. We are all doing our best to create the best life possible for our families. What I have learned so far is that the day-to-day routines are what we can tweak to make life magical. The joy truly is in the little things. I hope this blog can be a little thing that brings some joy to your day :). Thank you for supporting my dreams by reading my words. If you find what you read helpful, please feel free to share my posts on social media. I can’t wait to see where this adventure will lead to! Happy Birthday, Momoir. May all of our wishes come true.