Health and wellness is such a huge topic these days. So much research is being done on living longer and fuller lives, which is really exciting! As a parent, it is so important to me to eat healthy, exercise, go for my annual exams, and do everything in my power to stay healthy and fit for my kids. In addition to being able to keep up with my young kids, I also want to be the grandma at the playground running around with my grandkids! I can say without question that when I prioritize nutrition, exercise, and mental health, I am a better parent. You can ask my husband who has to pick up the slack after I go on a no-exercise/Christmas cookie binge :). Life feels so much more full when you take care of yourself and feel good. This section of the blog is all about ways to support this healthy lifestyle.
For me, wellness is a feeling. I know that I am taking care of myself when I feel calm, energized, and ready to take on the day. Everything is in line mentally, physically, and emotionally. I’m sure it is different for everyone, but for me, this takes some (ok, a lot of) effort. I want to just touch briefly on what I do to get to this happy place, and I plan to write many more blog posts to dive into some of them in greater depth.

I think it is worth noting that the most depressed I’ve ever been was when I had my first baby and became a stay-at-home mom. It was also the absolute happiest time of my life, and I’m not just saying that to sound like a good mom. Those first few days home from the hospital were some of my favorite days of my life. New baby snuggles, becoming comfortable and confident in your new routine, people bringing you food and presents?! The best. But once those initial weeks passed, I was in a dark hole of: “Who am I? What is happening? When can I sleep?” Looking back I realize it’s because I wasn’t able to take care of any of these foundational needs that make me feel well. (Side note: this is just a harsh reality for most new moms, especially in the U.S. where we get virtually no support. So if you’re in this phase now, please know it DOES get easier, and accept any help that is offered to you- and ask for help when it’s not offered!)
For me, nutrition is the foundation of how I feel. It has taken me a long time to get to the place I am with healthy eating. In my twenties and early thirties, I was so worried about being a certain size or looking good in a bathing suit (I mean I did grow up in the dominant age of Victoria's Secret models, so I’m sure this sounds familiar to many of you.) That all changed when I decided I wanted to become a mom. Before I was even pregnant, I wanted my body to be healthy for my future growing baby. But once I was pregnant, I felt even more strongly about the foods I was eating and sharing with my little one. I craved fruits with both of my pregnancies and ALL OF THE CARBS, and I realized I was maintaining a healthy weight eating this way. Before I was pregnant, carbs were not my main food group, but I realized I felt better eating these foods.

I plan to go into much more detail and even have a meal planning/recipe section for the blog. For now, I will say that what I have learned is that there really is no secret to healthy eating. Everything your doctor tells you to eat is what works for me. Lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. And tons of water, I have a water bottle with me at all times. So, that is my ground-breaking nutrition advice. Listen to your doctor. You’re welcome!
As far as feeling “well” the other huge factor for me is exercise. I used to force myself to do workout videos that I hated just to “tone up” or look better in a bathing suit. But my relationship with fitness is also in an exciting place. I love to exercise! It is my therapy. I love to feel strong and proud of what my body can do. My favorite workouts are Orange Theory (When I took my first class I cried happy tears) and Pamela Reif Youtube workouts (She just delivers JOY, especially on Instagram. She is one of my favorite accounts to follow). I also enjoy yoga, especially because it’s bonding time I get to spend with my sister (workout buddies are the best!) and I’ve recently discovered that I love hiking. I don’t think there is anything more grounding than spending time in nature. I believe that finding things you truly enjoy is the key to sticking with exercise. I always try to keep in mind that it is a gift to be healthy and able to move my body. I think about that whenever I reach new fitness goals or am simply just enjoying a workout.

These are some of the things that make me feel well and are also healthy habits I try to exemplify for my kids. I already tell my five-year-old that she only gets one body and she needs to keep it healthy and strong with nutritious foods and exercise. She actually loves to do workout videos (modified of course) with my husband and I and loves to play soccer and do ballet and gymnastics. She is also the first to remind me when I am sick that I need to eat fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water! It makes me proud to set this example. As the mom of two daughters, I want to raise them to be proud of how strong their bodies are, not worried about what size they are. Having health and wellness at the foundation of our daily lives makes it much easier to set this example and will hopefully help them to make healthy habits that they can carry with them throughout their lives. I hope these tips are helpful and I plan to share much more on topics such as meal planning and exercise ideas the whole family can enjoy. Until then, be well :)