This Is My Momoir

Favorite Books of 2022

Written By: Jen Vega

Published On: 06/22/2023

Last year for Mother’s Day, I received a Kindle as my gift- I would assume the credit would go more to my husband than the kids ;). I must say this was one of my favorite gifts that I’ve ever received! I love to read but had gotten out of the habit after having my girls. Once I had my Kindle, it was so convenient to read at night in bed and quickly became my new nightly routine. I also noticed that I was definitely falling asleep much quicker and more peacefully after reading as opposed to mindlessly scrolling social media.

I am a firm believer that reading is the absolute best pastime there is. You can improve your life (so much) with self-help books, expand your knowledge with historical books and biographies, or take a mental vacation with wonderful novels set in faraway lands. It is just so nice to take a pause from the real world and take an adventure into a book. That’s what made me want to share my “Best Books I Read in 2022.” I realize it has been 2023 for quite a while now, but I just really wanted to share these because they were so good. Maybe I should rename this “Great Summer Reads” 😊. 

Well, without further ado…

Every Last Secret, A.R Torre - I read this on a girl’s trip to Miami and it was so good! Such a good beach read.

Untamed, Glennon Doyle - This one was recommended to me by a friend and was the perfect start to my new Kindle journey. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say this book changed my life.

Quit Like a Woman, Holly Whitaker - Another life-changing read. This book completely changed my relationship with alcohol, which I’m thankful for since the news of the negative effects of alcohol on the body continues to make headlines. I believe by the time my kids are my age, alcohol will be viewed the same way we look at smoking.

This Naked Mind, Annie Grace - I was on a no-alcohol kick.. I didn’t love this book as much as the previous one because I had already been convinced that alcohol is unhealthy, but it’s still a very informative book that more people need to read.

Malibu Rising, Taylor Jenkins Reid - Let’s just say since this book I’ve read four more of her novels! She is such an inspiring, creative writer. Awesome beach book!

Same Beach Next Year, Dorthea Benton Frank - This book was magical, the kind of story that stays with you forever. Amazing imagery. I definitely want to read more of her books this summer. A perfect beach read.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Taylor Jenkins Reid - I loved this one even more than Malibu Rising. Un-put-down-able.

Book Lovers, Emily Henry - Another author that I loved last year. So talented, her stories just pull you in.

The Unhoneymooners, Christina Lauren - Another really great author. This is another good beach book!

Love & Other Words, Christina Lauren - Went straight to another one of her books. Both of these books I think I read in less than 3 days. Her character development is so great, these stories will stay with you.

In Five Years, Rebecca Serle - I prefer to read really light and happy books so this one was a little hard for me (it’s by no means super sad, I’m just super emotional) but it was an amazing story. So powerful, it will stay with me forever. She is the writer I aspire to be!

Beach Read, Emily Henry - Went back to Emily for a lighter book. I Liked The Unhoneymooners more than this one, but it’s still a great book, although surprisingly not a beach read which I know people left negative reviews about feeling duped by the title.

Every Summer After, Carley Fortune - I LOVED this book. It totally sucks you into another time and place and makes you feel 16 and in love again. Really great writing and wonderful characters that you will fall in love with.

Carrie Soto is Back, Taylor Jenkins Reid - This may be my least favorite of her books but it was still great. It was very tennis heavy, so if you’re into tennis you may love it. Great story of a father and daughter though and highlights the dedication that goes into playing professional sports.

Things We Never Got Over, Lucy Score - This book is spicy! I was not prepared for the level of sex that would be happening, but it was good!

Daisy Jones and the Six, Taylor Jenkins Reid - You’ve probably heard of the show Reese Witherspoon created based on this book. I read a large chunk of it on a 4-hour flight (to California, fittingly) and was completely sucked into her world of rock ‘n roll.

By a Thread, Lucy Score - Another spicy Lucy Score book! A good, quick read.

The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober, Catherine Gray - talks about all of the benefits of being alcohol-free, great book!

Your Second Life Begins When You Realize You Only Have One, Fiona Hardingham - I loved this book. It’s translated from French and is just a good reminder of the simple things that bring happiness.

People We Meet on Vacation, Emily Henry - Loved these characters. A quick, fun read. Another good vacation book!

I hope you enjoy some books from this list! I was an unofficial book club reader of Maria Roberts who I adore on Instagram (previously SpinachForBreakfast), which is where I got a LOT of these book recommendations. If you’re into heavier reads, she is a much more well-rounded reader than I am, so give her a follow! I appreciate her reviews because I know which books I should skip since she warns when they are heavier reads. I am an insanely empathetic person, so reading about traumatic experiences (even as a subplot) is not my cup of tea. Most of the books you’ll find from me will be light-hearted, happy reads. I hope you enjoy them! I am currently 11 books into my 2023 list and promise to publish that in a much more timely manner. If you have any other great summer reads or “best book you’ve ever read” type of recommendations, please leave me a comment on Facebook or Instagram! I’m working on adding a comment section to the blog as well, coming soon!